How to Stake your RareBunniClub NFT with NFTX

5 min readNov 14, 2021

Share in royalties, Sell your Bunni without a buyer, Swap to ETH and fractional ownership!

  • Disclaimer Not Financial Advice
  • NFTX is a 3rd party service, RareBunniClub has no control over their implementation.
  • All transactions have an element of Risk, BunniZero cannot undo or fix any user error.
  • Do your own Research, make sure you understand the Risks.
  • For more detailed support and step by step process join the NFTX Discord

NFTX Staking

By the request of the Community BunniZero deposited 20 RareBunniNFTs to launch a NFTX vault.

Now you can stake your RareBunni to share in the Royalties of the Project!

It has been a long time coming, but today we are finally going to dive into just what that means, how to do it, and what other benefits this vault unlocks.

Why Launch NFTX Staking?

NFTX is an incredible mature, stable and reliable 3rd party tool to generate a Liquidity Pool for NFTs. This allows RareBunniClub members to benefit from the development and functionality that NFTX are adding daily to the tool.

There are many new cool features coming soon, that NFTX will be releasing, such as Single Side Staking. Join their Discord for more information on that.

The NFTX vault unlocks five incredible features for the RareBunniClub:

  • stake your RareBunni to share in the Royalties of the Project
  • sell your RareBunni without a buyer
  • buy a RareBunni without a seller
  • swap one RareBunni for another
  • own a half a RareBunni, a third, or any other fraction, so that no one is priced out of the community
  • swap your $RBC token on SushiSwap for ETH


  • NFTX is designed to be used by Advanced users only, RareBunniClub cannot do anything if you mess up! It is out of our control.
  • using the NFTX vault costs gas
  • the yield stakers earn is dependent on trading activity, the more people who swap $RBC token, the more stakers earn
  • when you deposit a RareBunni into the vault, anyone can come along and buy it, only deposit a RareBunni you are happy to say goodbye to
  • 1 RareBunni = 1 $RBC token, regardless of rarity. As such the vault is suitable only for FLOOR RareBunnies.
  • Staking requires equal amounts of $RBC and $ETH. Staking one whole Bunni will require whatever the current price is in ETH as well. You get both back when you Unstake!

Introducing $RBC token

NFTX allows users to deposit a RareBunni Club NFT into a vault and receive 1 $RBC token. This token is a fungible ERC-20, which means it can be swapped easily, split into fractions, and ‘staked’ to earn ETH.

**NOTE** The $RBC Token is not a Utility Token for the Project, it is an exclusive Token for the NFTX Pool and will only be used in the Pool

All the RareBunni in the vault are available for anybody to come along and buy, but the only way to get one is by getting hold of 1 $RBC token and redeeming it.

You can buy $RBC token with ETH from the SushiSwap decentralized exchange, and this trading activity is where the yield stakers earn comes from. Swapping $RBC for ETH and vice versa comes with a small fee that is distributed to all stakers, this is how Staked members share in the Royalties of the Project.

Below are some the RareBunni Club currently deposited in the vault. It costs 1 $RBC token to redeem a random Bunni from the vault. Choosing which one you want costs 1.05 $RBC.

How to Stake Your RareBunni in three easy steps

  1. Head to
  2. Connect your wallet in the top right
  3. Select ‘Stake’ in the Menu
  4. Select the BunniNFTs you wish to deposit
  5. Hit ‘Mint & Stake’ to Deposit your RareBunni NFT and ETH
  6. Sign the transactions prompted by your wallet

This will turn your RareBunni NFT into 1 $RBC token, and then stake that $RBC token for you. The Pool share stat shows you how much of the Pool fees you will Generate, which works out at a yearly yield (APR) pf 12.68%. This figure will change based on:

*note BunniZero is the staker holder in the pool currently, so the share is very high in the screenshot. BunniZero will never remove their staked Bunnies in order to maintain liquidity in the pool.

a) how many other Bunnies are staked,
b) how much trading activity there is.

The more we trade, the more we earn!

Trade $RBC

If you don’t have a RareBunniClub NFT and want to get some exposure within your budget, you no longer need to buy a whole NFT.

Simply go to the SushiSwap $RBC pool and trade ETH to get as much $RBC token as you’d like!

Right now 1 ETH will allow me to buy 33 $RBC token.

$RBC token price trades independently from the OpenSea floor. If you spot a difference between the RareBunniClub NFT for sale on OpenSea and the price offered on Sushiswap that’s an opportunity to buy or sell between the two and make a profit!

This is called arbitrage, and when people do this it brings the $RBC token price back inline with the OpenSea floor.

Thank You!

Whilst complex, we are happy to bring this upgrade to our community. Thank you so much to everyone who’s got involved with RareBunniClub and continues to support long term vision of the project.

Our Roadmap continues to grow, so make sure to follow our Twitter and join the Discord community for the latest!

